Charlie was the best dog in the world. He is no more. This post is to help me to remember him.
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At the Quarry - one of Charlie's favourite walks |
In fact, Charlie had some issues, but he quickly learned what we thought was acceptable behaviour. He was also terrified of brooms and vacuum cleaners, but he also eventually came to cope with both of those.
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the colour of autumn beech leaves |
David checks Charlie's paw |
Out boating - August 2011 |
On the Thames, Easter 2011 |
Charlie loved to be helpful - he could be given a piece of paper or card and told 'in the bin', and he'd happily take it from you, and trot over to place it in the waste bin. Only eight weeks ago, at Christmas, we put a waste bin in the living room and Charlie helpfully disposed of all of the wrappings for us. We were also getting him to deliver presents - "give this to Michael", "take it to Alan". My father was sitting with a £20 note in his hand, Charlie went and carefully took it from his hand, and delicately placed it in the bin.
Charlie on the Severn Valley Railway - August 2011 |
David and Charlie at Lechlade - Easter 2011 |
Sometimes he would surprise us. I brought him back from a very wet walk and he unexpectedly brought me a towel from his pile in the hall - he loved being dried (although that didn't extend to baths!) When his water bowl was empty he would carefully tip it up with a paw, pick it up with his mouth and bring it to you, placing it carefully in your hands.
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In Milton Keynes, with Michael October 2011 (photo Chris Norris) |
Alan spent huge amounts of time with him, walking him, visiting places that he would not have gone to without a dog to exercise - cafes, the local castle, woodland, an abandoned quarry. Every evening, when boating, we would go out for a walk, discovering new places that we would never have found without Charlie.
Charlie had so much potential, he learned so quickly, and he loved people so much. Then a few weeks ago he started to act strangely, hiding behind the sofa, growling if you approached him when he was seated under a desk. He was uncharacteristically defensive towards a friend's dog.
Earlier this week he made a completely unprovoked attack on Michael. I had been getting some food ready for him, but Charlie suddenly rushed at Michael and bit him on the arm. This was particularly hard as Michael had spent so many long hours training Charlie, and this was the dog that normally allowed you to take food from his mouth, or who would lie down if told to mid-meal.
We contacted the rescue centre, and the local trainer who had helped us with Charlie when he had first come to live with us. We had an appointment to see the trainer next Monday.
Then, two evenings ago, just after Michael had been patting him quietly, Charlie suddenly, without any warning, snarled and leaped up at Michael on the sofa, biting him and lacerating his nose. There was blood everywhere, Michael grabbed tissues as the family rushed around, getting dressings, finding car keys. We pressed dressings onto Michael's lacerated nose, and headed for A & E. I thought that Michael's nose was probably slashed from top to bottom, as I hadn't really seen the damage under the dressings for more than a moment or so. In fact, the wounds are messy, but have not gone through to the inside of his nose. He has had the wounds steri-stripped (they don't sew up dog bites, to allow any bacteria to come out), and is on anti-biotics.
The next morning we rang our vet, and asked to see the senior partner. He was wonderful, supportive and understanding, but explained that Charlie had developed 'rage syndrome', a very rare, but incurable, condition of red cocker spaniels. He told us that our wonderful dog could never be trusted again, that we would always be waiting for the next attack, and that Charlie would never be aware. He wouldn't know what he had done. No amount of training could make a difference, and he would be fine 99% of the time. The clincher for me was the explanation that a dog that is going to attack will almost always give a warning, a growl, a slightly snarling lip - Charlie wasn't doing that, he was just attacking, no warning. He told us we had a decision, but his strong advice was that Charlie could never have the same life again. It cannot be a choice in that situation, it doesn't matter how much you love your dog, you cannot risk the possibility that someone else might be harmed. The vet thanked us for making the right decision, we said goodbye to the best dog in the world, and left in floods of tears.
I thought, after the attack on Michael, that I would want everything of his removed from the house, every memory destroyed. But I don't - whatever happened, it wasn't Charlie's fault, he was ill, incurably ill. But I still love him, and I want to remember our lovely, clever, funny little dog. I was privileged to know him for nearly two years - he gave us so much in that time. We are devastated.
POSTSCRIPT (7th July 2012)
A new saga begins "Owning A Dog Again"
Dear Cath, Alan and family, I was devastated to read this. I'm so sorry that you had to make that awful decision, but fully understand.
How sad for you all and I admire you for taking the right decision in the end. He sounds a wonderful dog and after the pain of losing him dies down a bit, you will find yourself reminsicing about things he did for years to come.
ReplyDeletetake care
So sorry to read this, he looked like a beautiful dog, but a very wise decision I think.
ReplyDeleteThat is so sad..............but you have nothing to reproach yourself for. Sometimes things happen that we have no control over. You gave Charlie the best that you had to offer and he gave you the best of himself and there is no more to be said. Run free at Rainbow Bridge Charlie.
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing this even though it must have been painful for you. Your wonderful intelligent dog has had two terrific years with your family and paid your love and care back in spades, so all of you were winners.
I have never heard of this affliction in connection with Golden sad that this wonderful breed should suffer so from what is probably the result of poor breeding standards. You have made the right decision, awful as it is to live with.
Here's to Charlie, the wonder dog...
He was a wonderful dog... a faithful friend and companion... and you had the joy of his company!
ReplyDeleteYou saved him! And even if your time together was short, I'm sure you don't regret it... you gave him a lovely little life.
Out on a boat... swimming... a family that liked to play and give him stimulating challenges... lots of attention, like taking all these beautiful pictures of him out and about...
I hope you decide to open your hearts to another rescue dog. It will never replace your beloved Charlie, but it will fill the terrible void he's left. And it will heal your heart... And there are so many good and deserving doggies that need homes.
You guys are such wonderful dog owners... responsible, capable, and fun! Please try to think about offering all you have to give to another doggie... there's another one out there that needs you as much as Charlie did.
You gave him a good life, cherish the memories... you did the right thing...
What a heartbreaking decision for you to have to make. I never met Charlie, but thanks to his appearances here and as Alan's avatar on the CWDF, he's become a very familiar figure. I've just been reading up on this condition, and I'm sure you've made the right decision, no matter how hard it was.
ReplyDeleteIt was obviously a difficult decision to make and equally obvious it was the right one. So very very sad.
ReplyDeleteHow tragically sad for you all :(
ReplyDeleteBut I too am sure you've done the right thing.
At least you have many many happy memories and pictures of your wonderful Charlie.
We had an alsation that bit two children and the baby sitter before we made the decision. Luckily all bites were slight but it is a horrid decision to have to make
Beautiful dog. Heartbreaking decision. Wonderful memories and lovely photos. What fate drew me to read this and leave me in tears. A dog lover.
ReplyDeleteAlan and Cath... So so sorry to read this but also glad to have shared in this story. You all will clearly miss him.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you - there is a consolation in knowing that you gave him a good life and made the right decision; but there are no words that can ease the sheer pain of their absence - that's a job for time alone....
ReplyDeletesue, nb Indigo Dream
ReplyDeleteThanks for those kind words.
Only because of our tragedy has my attention been drawn to the recent loss of your own Lynx.
It seems you had even less time to enjoy Lynx than we had with Charlie ?
Ours seems a very empty house at the moment, so we have at least some understanding of your loss, I think.
Thanks to everyone for your kind words. We are coming back to some normality, although we all have the same moments that we expect Charlie to be there - when we come in from work, first thing in the morning, when we move a computer chair (and find outselves checking that he isn't behind us).
ReplyDeleteMichael has finished his course of anti-biotics, and the steri-strips came off a few days ago. It is not nearly as bad as it might have been, and he is healing well - we are very grateful that it wasn't much worse.
David has expressed the sentiment that "everything you try to do is much easier without Charlie around trying to see what you are doing - but it's much less fun". Both of our sons have said that they want another dog as soon as possible.
That isn't going to happen yet, we have things that we need to sort out, and they will just be easier without a young dog (or even a puppy?) around. Once those things are sorted, then we can start to think about having a dog in the house again.
A corollary to this sad story, should anybody still be reading these comments 5 months or more on.
ReplyDeleteCath said above we were all fairly sure there would be another dog, but that it might not be for a while - my own feeling back then was any sooner than the autumn was not a real possibility.
The reality has been rather different, and we all missed terribly having a dog about the place. So, despite Charlie's tragic story, we have decided not to wait as long as we thought we might. "Odin", an eight week old black Labrador arrived with us a couple of days ago, and a new saga begins. He doesn't know he is a boating dog yet, but he soon will be. Cath introduces him here